Children and Youth Sunday Procedure

 Children and Youth Sunday Procedure

CHILDREN & YOUTH GROUPS PROCEDURE (2nd and 4th Sunday of the month)


On the morning of groups:

Registration at Wessex House for children and youth will be 10:15am. 

There will be a person at the entrance of Wessex House to register each child/young person as they enter the building.  The door will be on the magnetic lock and released by the person welcoming/registering the children. 

Parents of children Year 5 and under (Little Shoots and Acorns), will be registered by their parent/carer.  A numbered lanyard will be allocated to that child and given to their parent/carer.  This will be recorded on a paper register against the child’s name with a signature of the parent/carer.  The child will only be released to the parent/carer who arrives with the appropriate lanyard for that child, and they will sign to say they have collected them.

Youth can arrive on their own and will be registered in their room.  Permission to leave Wessex House unaccompanied, and only when their session has finished, will be requested on their consent form.  If permission is not given, a parent/carer will need to collect them. 

All children and youth will be signed out as they leave Wessex House. 

Any visiting or new children/youth will need parent/carer to complete a consent form when they arrive at the registration area at Wessex House.

When all children/youth are in Wessex House the catch on the main door will be locked for everyone’s safety.  This will be the responsibility of the registration volunteer.

At least one first aider will be at Wessex House during every session.

All volunteers will have DBS certificates, follow GCC’s Safeguarding Code of Conduct policy and attend regular safeguarding training run by Pioneer.

House managers will be the allocated person at the school for any communication from Wessex House via mobile phones.  It will be their responsibility to relay information to the necessary people. 

Children will need to be collected at 11:45am.