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GCC is a Fairtrade Church. The Fairtrade Foundation is the independent non-profit organisation that licenses use of the Fairtrade Mark on products in the UK in accordance with internationally agreed Fairtrade standards. The Foundation was established in 1992.

Fairtrade’s vision is of a world in which justice and sustainable development are at the heart of trade structures and practices so that everyone, through their work, can maintain a decent and dignified livelihood and develop their full potential.

The Foundation’s mission is to work with businesses, community groups and individuals to improve the trading position of producer organisations in the South and to deliver sustainable livelihoods for farmers, workers and their communities.



We support Tearfund, a Christian relief organisation that focuses on five main areas, considered to be the fundamentals that need to be addressed in the fight against poverty and its sustainable trading subsidiary Tearcraft. The five areas that Tearfund works in are:

  • To stop and reverse the impact of HIV in countries where Tearfund works by 2016 by supporting those affected, promoting access to health care and treatment and tackling the stigma so often associated with the disease.

  • Working with vulnerable people to prevent, respond to and recover from disasters. Tearfund are experts in helping communities prepare for disasters, as well as being there to respond when they happen, dealing with the practical and emotional trauma they bring.

  • Campaigning to challenge and change unjust policies and practices that keep people in poverty and working to ensure fairer trade laws, lobbying for good governance, fighting corruption and empowering communities to stand up for themselves.

  • Creating a sustainable environment, which is crucial for poor people dependent on its resources. Tearfund’s programmes include helping communities adapt to climate change, addressing environmental degradation, and tackling water and food shortages.

  • Ensuring access to water and sanitation, education and literacy, livelihoods, health and nutrition.

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Churches Together

Churches Together in England is a visible sign of the churches' commitment as they seek a deepening of their communion with Christ and with one another, and proclaim the Gospel together by common witness and service. Its strength comes from people from different traditions finding new ways to work and worship together.

Gillingham Community Church is part of Churches Together in Gillingham.

Evangelical Alliance


GCC is a member of the Evangelical Alliance. The Alliance was founded in 1846 and is the oldest alliance of evangelical Christians in the world. It is also the largest body serving evangelical Christians in the UK, and has a membership including denominations, churches, organisations and individuals. In its formative years the Alliance particularly stood for the victims of religious persecution and enabled evangelicals from different denominations to work together.

As part of a movement ‘uniting to change society’ the Alliance promotes unity and truth, acts as an evangelical voice to the state, society and the wider church, and works collaboratively with Alliance members and other evangelicals, to present Christ credibly as good news for spiritual and social transformation.

The Alliance speaks on behalf of its members and represents evangelical concerns to government, the national assemblies, the media and key decision-makers. In resourcing its members and encouraging Christians to fully engage in their communities as responsible citizens, the Alliance strives to make evangelical truths publicly accessible.

The Alliance has a Basis of Faith that all members must subscribe to. More information is available on the Evangelical Alliance website.